Sunday, December 12, 2010

Harvard Business Review

Harvard Business Review

Invest in yourself - not to drive change, innovation for smart growth - today's best and brightest in the industry. Harvard Business Review is the magazine for decision makers. This is where the main members of the international economy of ideas and inspiration here. With the help of eminent experts in the field, Harvard Business Review is an invaluable resource for the tools of leadership skills and business and technical success and survival in the business district of today's world.
HBR is written, the magazine that the intelligent direction of quality. Forbes and Fortune, the runner coming, but yet so far. It takes a village MAG-oriented leaders and with leaders who want a summary at the end of every magazine!
If you think that the subscription price is outrageous approaches, the price is much worse! Barnes N Noble, said his magazine was the most expensive standard. It takes less than a Harvard MBA, many (if not all) of the articles were written by professors from Harvard and is clear in his letter to hear every word. Worth every penny.

Harvard Business Review, has done an outstanding job of providing a catalyst to inject new ideas into an organization that strives to improve drive performance and innovative change.